Toddy T2N Cold Brew System Review

Toddy T2N Cold Brew System

The procedure of making Cold brew is simple. Medium-to-coarse ground coffee is steeped in water at room temperature for 12 hours or more. Then the grounds are filtered out to prepare a clean cup without sediment. While regular coffee is made in boiled water, cold brew is never exposed to heat. When looking for more antioxidants, hot brew might be your best bet because research suggests that regular brewed coffee is rich in antioxidants, and provides health benefits. But those who want less acid (better for teeth and stomach) and a smoother taste, reach for the cold stuff.

If you haven’t already tried cold brew, then you’re missing out. We’re not talking about alcohol – we’re talking about that super fun drink that lifts you up every morning …coffee. There’s no denying the fact that it is a real eye-opener and when it’s cold, too many, it’s even better. We have spent a large amount of time trying to find the best cold brew coffee maker out there and we must say, there are many competitors. While there are many good machines, today, we are going to talk about the Toddy T2N Cold Brew System, because right now, it’s the one that is really standing out in our mind.

Included in the Set:

With this set, you will receive the following items:
• Glass decanter with a lid
• Brewing container with handle
• 2 reusable filters1 rubber stopper
• A recipe guide
• A set of instructions

Introduction to “The Toddy”

The Toddy has everything you need (and then some) in order to make your coffee. It can create the best-tasting coffee ever – coffee that tastes just like it came out of a top of the line coffeehouse. The coffee can be served steaming hot or cold. Using regular coffee beans, you can create an amazing cup of coffee that is less acidic.

Steaming Hot or Iced Cold

With the Toddy T2N Cold Brew System, you can have the best of both worlds. There will probably be days (especially winter days) when you want a cup of hot coffee, then there will be days when you want it iced cold (those summer days). That is what we like about this system – you can choose to have it steaming hot or iced cold right from your own home. This is much better than spending money, every day, at the coffee shop. There’s just something about being able to create a “coffeehouse” style coffee in the comfort of your own kitchen.

Uses Regular Coffee Beans

In order to brew smooth coffee concentrate every single time, this cold brew system uses regular coffee beans. That’s right, there’s no need to go out to the store to buy a special “cup” to make coffee. You can use the same old traditional coffee people have been using for years.

Less Acidic

As an added bonus, the cold brew coffee will be 67% less acidic than the traditional hot brews. Less acidity means the coffee will be much easier on those with sensitive stomachs.

Fresh Up to 2 Weeks

Since the coffee will stay fresh up to 2 weeks, you will be getting more out of your coffee grinds. We know what you’re probably thinking – you’re thinking 2 week old coffee isn’t going to taste good. However, there’s no change to the flavor. When the coffee is a week old, it’s still going to taste the same and have the same effect.

Makes More than Just Coffee

The Toddy T2N Cold brew System does more than just makes coffee. This brewer is also great for making tea, either hot or cold.


The Toddy T2N Cold Brew System is for those individuals that have a craving for cold coffee. This system produces coffee that is easier on the stomach, without putting a damper on the taste. As an additional bonus, once you make the coffee, it can stay fresh in your refrigerator for up to 2 weeks. The coffee maker is easy to use and you can get good tasting coffee from the comfort of your own kitchen. What’s not to like about this brewer?






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