KRUPS Fully Automatic Espresso Machine Espresso Maker Built-in Conical Burr Grinder 60 Ounce Black Review

KRUPS EA8250 Fully Automatic Espresso Machine, Espresso Maker, Burr Grinder Review
KRUPS EA8250 Fully Automatic Espresso Machine, Espresso Maker, Burr Grinder Review

For making a perfect Espresso shot at home you need to follow simple but necessary steps: grind fresh coffee, right dosage, proper tamping, and brewing. If the dose, grind and tamp are ideal, after 20 – 30 seconds you should get your “professionally made” espresso shot. Always grind fresh coffee beans to a granularity to allow an extraction for 20-25 seconds; not more or less. Less than 20 seconds — an under-extracted shot that is weak, watery and tastes sour. More than 25 seconds — an over-extracted shot that can taste bitter and burnt. The grind texture is important for shot quality, as very fine grind will create a slow and over-extracted shot. All machines are different. It’ important to adhere to these simple guidelines ensure properly pulled shot. But, play around with grinds for your personal taste preference.

KRUPS EA8250 Fully Automatic Espresso Machine, Espresso Maker, Burr Grinder READ MORE

For a good bean to cup coffee machine, look no further than Krups, in particular, today, we are going to be introducing you to the Krups EA8250 Espresseria Super Automatic Espresso Machine. If you’re looking for flavorful coffee, we encourage you to continue reading this review in order to figure out whether or not this machine is suitable for you.

With this machine, not only will you be able to enjoy flavorful coffee,  you will also have the opportunity to make some delicious cappuccino, tea or hot cocoa. At home, with the Espresseria EA8250J4, you will be able to enjoy café-quality beverages.

Compact Machine

No need to worry about a machine that will take up a lot of counter space – this one right here is a compact machine that will take up minimal counter space.

Fully-Automatic System

This is a fully-automated system, which means anyone will be able to enjoy that perfect cup of coffee, even if you’re a beginner and have never made coffee before.

Built-in Grinder

The machine has a total of 1450 watts of power and with the built-in metal burr grinder, you will be able to quickly grind up whole coffee beans before you brew them. If you would like to adjust the grind settings, that is easy to do – you can have super fine for espresso, or for coffee (those are the two settings that we feel work the best.

Large Sealed Hopper

This machine has a largely sealed hopper, which means the beans are kept fresh and it is capable of holding enough so that you can prepare numerous drinks in a row.

User-Friendly Control Panel

The control panel is easy to use, even beginners will be able to use it. The control panel has a nice LCD screen and an ergonomic knob that will make it so that you can navigate through every step of the process.

Thermoblock Heating Technology

The Thermoblock heating technology is there in order to ensure the best shot of espresso each time.

From the Bean to the Cup at a Touch of a Button

Precision, passion, and perfection – this coffee machine is built with those three attributes in mind. This fully automatic machine has been labeled as one of the most compact machines currently on the market. The machine was manufactured in France and every single unit was put through a series of test before being placed on the store shelves.

Unique Patented System

The unique patented thermo block system is a big hit. Not only will this amazing technology help the machine heat up at a much faster rate, it will also guarantee a perfect temperature, perfect tamping and time management.

Conical Burr Grinder

This machine comes with a metallic conical grinder, so you can rest with the satisfaction of knowing the ground coffee will always be fresh and consistent in terms of size. For espresso-based preparations, the finer setting is recommended and for coffee, the coarser setting would be the best.


With this Krups machine, you really cannot go wrong. The LCD screen is easy to read, the ergonomic knob is nice and the menu is easy to navigate through, so you can easily choose your recipe, number of cups you need brewed and a whole lot more. Cleaning the machine is also easy to do. Overall, this is one of the best machines currently on the market and we can’t see why you wouldn’t want it.






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